Started Culturing Leech

Started Culturing Leech, Pets for Health Therapies

During this time, leeches mostly viewed as a disgusting animal. However if you are keen to see an opportunity, then leeches could actually be a promising business opportunity. Cultivation leeches are particularly advantageous because now this trend is happening is that people are trying again using traditional therapy for health, and one of them is with the leech therapy.

Preparation of the cage to start cultivating leech

For those of you who want to start cultivation of these leeches, the first thing is to be prepared the pond. For the cage, you can prepare the following:

1. Pool of the wall, with a height of about 30 cm, and freely according to the size of land you have.
2. Give the mud, sand, rocks, or other things that normally exist in the native habitat of leeches that could leech attached.
3. Cover the pool with gauze so that the leeches are not blurred.
4. Keep the water temperature is 18-20o for children leeches, and 25-30o to raise leeches.

Conditions that can leech life

Leeches must be distinguished from the slug that might ever meet clinging to trees or leaves. When slugs like dry place, then the leech is an animal whose life requires water. Therefore, good water quality is required. To get a leech with the best conditions, the condition of the water in which they live must be:

1. Having acidic conditions or pH between 5 and 7.
2. Have a humidity of 30% to 40%.
3. Make an leech differ for children and adult leeches, leech because the parent can take the child.
4. Remember, the right temperature for leech child is 18-20 degrees and 25-30 degrees enlargement, so create different pools for enlargement and breed.

So that the leeches can develop well

Because leeches are hermaphroditic animals, you simply put the seeds leeches in the pond that had been prepared, and they will breed itself. Choose the parent leech 6 months old for breeding because they are ready to breed. If you want all goes well, then give the parent leeches eat once in two weeks time. Feed for leeches themselves easy to find, such as catfish, eel or other fish that have smooth skin and eases the leech to be attached to the surface of their skin and eat.

Marketing sells leeches

Leeches declared ready for the market when it was 4-6 months old. When you buy 50 leeches as seeds in the beginning, you will get about 20,000 leeches at the end of the breeding. Animals are used for medical therapy, then the best way to market is certainly with:

1. Contact the leech collectors who will buy leeches results of your efforts to be distributed to companies that need.
2. Sell to the pharmacy, where the manufacture of pharmaceuticals.
3. Sale to the seller of traditional medicine.
4. Self closing venture leech therapy in your place.

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The Nature of Leech Therapy

The Nature of Leech Therapy

The nature of Leech Therapy / Hirudotherapy:
- hypotension
- bleeding
- immunopotentiation
- Internal decongestion
- bacteriostatic
- anticoagulant
- anti-inflammatory
- protective antithrombotic
- local anti-edema
- thrombolytic
- analgesics
- the removal of microcirculation disorders
- antiatherosclerotic
- anti-ischemic
- elimination of abnormal interactions between systems


Hirudotherapy (from the Latin word which means leech Hirudo) has been known since ancient times. Along with the ability to eject blood, has been regarded as a necessary medication in the treatment of different diseases. Secrets of the salivary glands of leeches / saliva contains over 100 bioactive substances and has the benefit of anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic, analgesic, eliminating interference microcirculation, restores the permeability of blood vessels damaged tissues and organs, eliminating hypoxia (lack of oxygen), Lower blood pressure, increase activity the immune system, detoxify the organism, treatment of cases threatening complications, such as infarction (death of tissue cells of the head) and stroke.
By injection Saliva / Leech leech saliva is very simple: Leeches in the mentioned skin to bite, then the leech saliva will enter the bloodstream and spread to the focus of the disease through the vessel.
In medicine we use hirudoreflexotherapy is placing leeches on the point reflexogenic as "Needle Life".
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Benefits of Leech Therapy

Benefits of Leech Therapy

Benefits of Leech Therapy for Health, among others for the treatment of sore hands / feet, nerves, blood clots, high blood pressure, thyroid, diabetes, cholesterol, uric acid, triglycerides, varicose veins, boils / pimple pus, pain during menstruation, firming facial, epilepsy / ayan.Penyakit heart disease / coronary / swelling / weak heart / leaky heart / heart blood vessel constriction / blockage of heart arteries
Blood mixed by enzymes leeches can lower high blood pressure, smoothen blood circulation, dilute blood clotting / plaque, cleans narrowing / blockage of blood vessels in the heart. Lowering Cholesterol. Flex rigid coronary arteries, lowers nervous tension. Lowering the levels of superoxide that damage the heart muscle tissue and increase the immune system. and other benefits as anti-aging or anti-aging. The benefits of leech therapy with a combination of natural herbal ingredients capable of making blood (platelets) are not easily broken or clot. Makes the blood vessel walls (endotil) strong, not fragile and not easily penetrated by substances that can break down the walls of blood vessels.
Similarly, little information on the benefits of leech therapy can be useful for you. hopefully leech therapy can be a solution for the healing of your complaint.
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Effects Bites Leeches

Effects bites leeches
Although some types of blood sucking leeches, not all species can bite, 90% of them only eat from decaying body and open wounds amphibians, reptiles, waterfowl, fish, and mammals (including, but not limited to, humans). A leech attaches when biting, and will remain attached to owning the content of the blood. Because anticoagulants (hirudin) which issued a leech bite wound may bleed more than normal after leech removed .. The effect of anticoagulants will disappear a few hours to clean the wound.Leeches usually carry parasites in their digestive tract that can not survive in humans and does not pose a threat. However, bacteria, viruses, and parasites from the blood source earlier in the leech can survive for months, and may be retransmitted to humans. therefore ethics Hirudotherapy or leech therapy is always using leeches who never used !!!
So it can be concluded the effect of leech bites on humans is
1. Pain is like an ant bite2. Injuries bite berberntuk triangle emblem that resembles a mercedes benz3. Effect of local bleeding that lasts up to 1 × 24 hours or even more depending on how many leeches enzymes that enter the body4. Itching when the bite wound will dry out (can be applied ointment relieving itching)5. There hypotension or decrease in blood pressure (which is why a good leech therapy is used in patients with hypertension / high blood pressure)
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Side Effects of Leech Therapy

Patients should be informed also Leech Therapy What side effects.  
There are many cases of patients into a panic and will lead to a misunderstanding due to lack of information on the side effects of leech therapy. Is the task of a therapist to explain the circumstances at the time before, during and after the leech therapy lasts.

Leech Therapy Side Effects1. Pain / Pain caused by bites of leeches (takes 1-5 minutes when leeches begin to bite, the after effects of the anesthetic dr enzyme leech entered his bloodstream pain will disappear)2. Lack of blood. The application of leeches to the patient by a therapist who is not an expert can make them lose a lot of blood in the patient, which can make them lose consciousness / fainting.3. Bleeding that lasts 1-48 hours after treatment (this is normal due to the effects of an enzyme that thins the blood. Expand consume liquids and do not panic because this is a normal effect of leech therapy)4. Itching at about bite marks (spreadable oil leech function relieve itching)5. Scar. The leech bite will cause bites (scarring) which will disappear depending on the patient's skin condition.6. Allergy. An enzyme that is injected into the body leech may cause allergic effects on the body, although rarely even never this happens. Consuming itch relievers allowed but better by drinking green coconut water and milk.

Leech Therapy Take only the therapists were really experts in their fields. At Our Clinic Patients treated properly and Professional.
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Benefits Leeches For Humans

For the use of leeches:
Leeches may be used in many applications especially for the purpose and cosmetic changes. The traditional use for the leeches by letting leeches to suck blood for the body of the patient for symptoms like headache relief and accompanying pain. Leech oil is known to the local community to improve the durability of sex for men. In India, it is in use to prevent miscarriage hair. The use of leeches as Chinese medicine and herbs for various treatments maintainability. Modern medicine uses the herb terpetik than leeches to cure blood-related diseases.

Leeches have been used for the purpose Perubatan since over 2000 years ago. One example is using leeches to suck out the blood in the body to achieve the purpose of healing. Today there is a real clinical application in kaedah; they are of great value to plastic surgeons when venous constriction slap the skin and muscle is one issue. Leeches may suck blood in the joint where the blocked blood flow and make it original. Leeches today is used in plastic and reconstructive surgery worldwide. There is also an investigation was victorious to relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis by using leech.

One more progress in the use of leeches in medicine is that they have been approved in the US for use in therapeutic purposes. Leeches are directly being be distributed to various locations in the country and also throughout the world to use. After suction of blood, the leeches were treated in a similar manner as other blood treatment procedure but that they may be used to on the patient alike. This is mainly to prevent the spread of disease brought by the blood.

Another use of leeches also includes treatment of black eyes. Hirudin, an anticoagulant than leeches may be used in the treatment for inflammation of the middle ear. He is also a percubaan awoken to use as a systemic anticoagulant, and may prove useful in invitro blood-sampling. By removing the serum anti-freeze rather than force investigators leeches were isolating new pharmaceutical mengkompaun for final treatment of heart diseases.

Instead of history, leeches are important in the 19th Century medicine for bloodletting, a practice believed to be cured for something than headaches to gout. Leeches can berubat it is more popular in modern medicine thanks to the work of Dr. Roy Sawyer, an American scientist who embodied the world's first leech field.

Thousands of the patient owes its original mounting body portion succeeding to the introduction of technology in plastic and reconstructive surgery; at least some of the operations may have failed if leeches have not been introduced initially into the chamber surgery.

For to use leeches in surgical procedures is actually very honest. Key to its former glory is rather than whether dammed in the leech bite, which pancit a wound that bled completely for hours. Leech saliva contains ingredients melalikan wound area, dilate the arteries to improve blood flow, at the same time prevents the blood rather than freezing. Usually the surgeon may get the blood to flow into reattached arteries but not veins. With a circular compromised by excessive veins, blood pemergian the reattached finger becomes congested; Courant reattached dizziness blue and die and are at serious risk for kewujudan missing. At this time the beginning of the leeches to play their key role in letting go for blood clotting.

Leech Farming is one industry that can be a lot more popular over crowded perceived that the use of leeches has been established. One reason is also because the number of leeches got less in the woods, after heavy use of insecticide and pesticides. More investigation is currently going in the invention to use leeches that can help us to heal blood problems in respect of such heart diseases and also high cholesterol in our bodies. The role of the leech will change rather than a suction blood creatures feared by people crowded to one great helper in our health.
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Leeches Information

The idea of leeches sucking your blood may be as disconcerting as having maggots eat dead flesh from a wound. The leech, however, is a fascinating creature, and although most famous for sucking the blood of its hosts.

To put leeches in context, they are a type of segmented worm – like earthworms, although leeches tend to be more like a flattened pear shape, with the mouth at the thin end. All segmented worms are in the phylum Annelida1, and they are divided into three classes: the polychaetes (marine worms such as bristleworms), the oligochaetes (earthworms and other freshwater worms) and the hirudineans (leeches).
While broadly similar to earthworms, a true leech2 differs by having a consistent number of segments3, each of which is always divided into two or more rings (annuli), and by having a sucker at both ends of its body that it can use to move, rather than the bristles of other annelids. Many of the aquatic leeches can also swim in a similar manner to eels.
Leeches, like earthworms, are hermaphrodites4, but the reproductive systems vary between the different families of leeches. Leeches have internal fertilisation systems: most mating is achieved by the implantation of a ‘spermatophore’ (sperm package) into their partner. This implantation can by done either via a protrusible penis or by the hypodermic implantation of the spermatophore into the body of the partner. The sperm are then transported to the eggs where fertilisation occurs, and cocoons are formed. While many leeches leave the cocoons to develop by themselves, in the leech family Glossiphoniidae, most species have the cocoons attached directly to the parent. This allows the parent to protect and care for the young as they develop. This includes providing food (prey) for the young leeches after they hatch.
All leeches are carnivorous invertebrates5, though they are not all parasitic bloodsuckers. There are at least 700 species worldwide, filling a number of predatory niches in aquatic (or at least moist) environments. They require dampness because their thin skin and lack of internal organs means that they find it almost impossible to control water loss, either by dehydration or osmosis. Many species of leech wait for the prey to come to them and subsist on other invertebrates such as earthworms, insects, pond snails and freshwater clams. These leeches are either ones that swallow their prey whole, or ones that spear the prey with an extendable tube which is then used to suck their victim’s juices out.
The other species of leeches comprise the bloodsucking varieties, some still using the hollow spear-like proboscis, but most having two or three sets of jaws with which to attach themselves to their larger hosts as an external parasite. The jaws resemble curved saw-blades with tiny extremely sharp teeth making either a V- or Y-shaped bite (depending on the number of jaws).
Leech use through the ages
Leeches have been used for centuries – possibly since the Stone Age – though modern medicine has outgrown the early rationales for their use. One explanation for blood-letting was that disease was caused by evil spirits, and that these could be removed with the bad blood. There is evidence leeches were used by the Egyptians as long ago as 1500BC. There are further references to medicinal blood-letting in Arabic, Sanskrit, Persian, Greek and Chinese literature. European medical thought was influenced by Galen, physician to Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in the 2nd Century AD. Galen advocated blood-letting as part of his medical theory of the four temperaments (sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic) that diseases resulted from the imbalance of what Hippocrates identified as the four humours of the body (blood, phlegm, black and yellow bile).
Most uses are medical and based on the leech’s ability to consume blood, but one bizarre use, of questionable effectiveness, was the Tempest Prognosticator – using the response of leeches to changes in atmospheric conditions in order to predict storms.
Leech For The Weekend Sir?
The medical use of leeches for blood-letting was prevalent in Europe and America in the 18th to mid-19th Century, particularly in France (millions were used each year in Paris alone) and was often associated with Barber Surgeons. The species used for blood-letting was (and is) usually the freshwater leech Hirudo medicinalis.
Modern Leech Use
Blood-letting fell out of favour after the 1830s when experiments revealed that it wasn’t an effective treatment for most diseases. The leech removed blood and left a wound that continued to bleed for some time – this did not cure the patient. However, the 1884 discovery that blood did not clot in leeches’ stomachs eventually led to the identification of the effective anti-coagulant enzyme hirudin in the 1950s. This leech by-product has become widely used. Leeches themselves are also still used today because of their ability to significantly aid recovery of blood circulation following surgery.
Some surgery – for instance, the reattachment of a severed finger – can require the blood flow to be re-established. This is done by reconnecting the major arteries and veins. Veins, however, can be difficult to find and connect. If not enough are reconnected, the blood may initially enter the reattached part but not be able to exit. This stops fresh, oxygenated blood entering and the reattachment procedure will fail. Leeches can assist here. If applied to the damaged tissue they can both actively suck out excess blood and also secrete in their saliva: hirudin, which prevents coagulation; a vaso-dilator causing a widening of blood vessels in the dermis encouraging blood flow to the area; a form of histamine, encouraging the capillaries to become leaky; and an anaesthetic so that the host doesn’t feel their jaws slicing through the skin to expose the blood vessels beneath. Together these prevent the tissue from dying off, allowing the body to re-establish good blood flow in the damaged area in a few days.
Leech Attack!
Leeches are also familiar to people who have travelled through wet tropical jungles and swamps and have emerged with uninvited leeches dangling from their flesh. How did the leeches find their prey? Leeches do have eyes (between two and ten) as well as photo-receptive cells scattered over their bodies, but these are pretty basic and unlikely to differentiate more than changes in intensity of light and maybe some movement. Leeches tend to be nocturnal and shun bright light. More unusual sense organs can allow some leeches to locate prey by detecting vibrations (such as movement through water), by smell (following a chemical gradient toward the prey) or even by passive sonar. Bloodsucking leeches tend to be alerted by sensing movement and then home in on the carbon dioxide exhaled by the prey.
One incident that may make you think twice before drinking unfiltered water was the decimating effect leeches apparently had on the soldiers of one of Napoleon‘s armies in the Syrian desert in 1799. Allegedly, the soldiers drank water containing leeches. These attached themselves to the insides of the soldier’s noses, mouths and throats, engorged themselves on blood, and caused some soldiers to die of suffocation; others by loss of blood. Although the story is anecdotal the risk is genuine, and if you can’t remove them by gargling with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide it may be nec

essary to puncture an engorged leech with a sharp object.

Don’t panic. Trying to remove a leech by burning i

t with a lit cigarette, applying salt, shampoo or insect repellent or just pulling at it, may cause the leech to regurgitate its meal and leave an infected wound much worse than the one the leech alone would have left.
Usually leeches will drop off easily by themselves when they have consumed a meal6. If you can’t wait, leeches can be removed using a fingernail to push the anterior sucker (where its mouth is) aside (the one at the thin end of the leech), and then doing the same with the posterior sucker (at the fat end of the leech), being careful not to let it reattach itself. If you are in good health and keep the wound clean7 you will be unlikely to suffer any ill effects from the leech. It is possible to be made unwell by the symbiotic bacteria in the leech’s gut: possible complications being wound infections, diarrhoea or septicaemia. This can be avoided by using pre-emptive antibiotics for deliberate medicinal use of leeches.

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How to Remove a Leech

Leeches are common in rainforests of Madagascar, mainland Africa, and Southeast Asia. Unlike leeches in other parts of the world, rainforest leeches live in leaf litter and vegetation - they are not aquatic. They find their prey (you and other warm-blooded animals) by odor and sound vibrations. In leech-rich areas, if you stand still for a few minutes, you’ll see leeches dropping from vegetation and moving toward you like inchworms.

Terrestrial leeches are generally small (although they can get quite huge in some parts of the world) but will gorge themselves during a meal, gaining up to ten times their weight. The single feeding will be enough to sustain a leech for several months.

The best protection against leeches is covering up and using insect repellent on clothing, although they are extremely persistent and invariably if you spend enough tromping around in the forest you will get leeched. Do not get overly concerned about a leech attack — they carry no disease and there is low risk of causing significant blood loss. Leech bites do not hurt — since they release an anaesthic when they sink their teeth into your skin — but they do bleed profusely. Leeches use an anticoagulant when they bite to faciliate the flow of blood from the wound.

Removing a leech

If you are bitten by a leech and are compelled to remove it before it has had its full (leeches drop off on their own when they are done feeding), you can do so by following these steps:

1. Identify the anterior (oral) sucker which will be found at the small end of the leech.
2. Put your finger on your skin adjacent to the oral sucker
3. Gently but firmly slide your finger toward the wound where the leech is feeding. Using your fingernail, push the sucker sideways away from your skin.
4. Once you have dislodged the oral sucker, quickly detach the posterior (rear) sucker (the fat end of the leech). Try flicking the leech or proding with your fingernail. As you work to remove the leech, it will attempt to reattach itself.
5. Keep the wound clean - minor cuts in tropical climates can quickly become infected. The leech itself is not poisonous. The wound will itch as it heals.

NOTE: Is it generally not advised to attempt removing a leech by burning with a cigarette; applying mosquito repellent, shampoo, or salt; or pulling at the leech. This can result the leech regurgitating into the wound and causing infection much worse than the leech bite itself.

In the case that a leech invades an orifice like your nose, ear, or mouth you have a slightly more serious problem since the leach will expand as it fills with blood. If you have access to strong (drinkable) alcohol or hydrogen peroxide you can try gargling (if the leech is in your mouth). Worst case scenario you may have to puncture the leech with a sharp object.

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